18 Things I Learned by 18

18: the age in which you can purchase lottery tickets, be considered an "adult" & as my dad would say, "go to big girl jail." (honestly he scared me with that one)

this was my first birthday away from home and a year ago I was crying at the thought of possibly being away from my family and friends on this day. flash forward to today and I wish I could've told myself that everything would be okay. in light of learning new things, I thought I would share the 18 things I've learned over the course of my life. now, I still have a lot more to learn and I cannot wait for all of the experiences that I will encounter in the future! here's to more adventures, more laughter, and more fun in the coming years! if you have any life tips, feel free to share because your girl could always use some help hehe so here are my tips, enjoy!!

1. BE YOURSELF // never conform yourself to the way others think you should act or look. you are the only you and that is pretty cool to think about. if you want to wear green everyday, do it. if you want to dye your hair, do it. if you want to get a tattoo, do it. being your truest self is when you'll be the happiest, I promise.

2. SPEAK FIRST  // ever been standing in a group with strangers and waiting for that one person to begin talking to ease the awkward silence? I used to be one of those that waited for others to step up, but I have now begun to be that one to take the initiative and it has turned out for the better. you become in control of the conversation and you can tell that everyone else in the group was thankful for you speaking up.

3. STUDY // school has been such a big part of my life and I cannot emphasize how important it is to take your studies seriously. the hour you spent watching Netflix could easily be spent reading chapters in a book to help you on that next test. Netflix will always be there for you when you're done!!

4. CALL YOUR MOM // as someone who is really close with their mom, this is one thing I have learned to ease her anxiety, especially with me being on the other side of the country. trust me, you will feel better after it and she will definitely love hearing from you.

5. SAY I LOVE YOU // I have this rule of thumb where you should always tell your friends and family that you love them. three little words can make their day and you may never know the next time you'll see them so wouldn't you want the last words you told them to be ones of affection?

6. EAT THAT COOKIE // one cookie is not going to kill you or completely throw you off of your "diet," if you really want it, just do it.

7. TAKE PHOTOS // every since I started my "KELLYxPHOTO" series, I have had such a greater appreciation for capturing those little moments in my life that I want to remember forever. the plus side is that I have all of these photos to look back on and help recall such wonderful memories.

8. DANCE LIKE AN IDIOT // in the words of cristina yang, "dance it out." it doesn't matter how well you can dance, even if it's just jumping around!! you will feel better, just like meredith grey and cristina yang always do (although they had the help of tequila & I need three more years for that)

9. LISTEN TO NEW MUSIC // taking music suggestions is so fun because you get to learn more about the person you're talking to and you get to expose yourself to a wide range of music genres.

10. ASK QUESTIONS // teachers always say that there are no dumb questions and they're right. if you ask a question, you are most likely asking the same question that three other people are wondering. you help yourself and others around you, which is always a good thing.

11. DRINK WATER // staying hydrated is always a good idea, keeps you healthy and flushes out bad toxins.

12. MEET NEW PEOPLE // new people means learning new stories and being able to connect with those you would have never thought you'd meet before. plus, it's always fun starting new friendships.

13. SAY YES TO ADVENTURE // as important as my bucket list is to me, I find this point to be really key. adventures turn into memories that will stay with you forever. what else are you going to tell your children when you talk about the "remember whens?"

14. SING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS // despite the weird stares from those around you, sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs. if you can sing, you lucky butt. if you can't sing, I'm right there with you and we need to stick together.

15. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF // we are given one body so we should take care of it the best we can. eat healthy, exercise, shower. you'll feel better and nothing is better than having good hygiene (even if that means you have to floss)

16. HUG YOUR SIBLING // hug them tight and hug them often, even if they don't want you to. (p.s. if you're reading this ryan, are you missing my hugs right about now?)

17. RESPECT THOSE AROUND YOU // you can learn a lot from others and it is so important to be respectful of those around you. if you're respectful to others than they'll give you the same respect. we're all in this together so why should you be mean, what good is that going to do?

18. SMILE // it takes a lot less effort to smile than frown. going with that "fake it 'til you make it" motto, if you smile, then your body will automatically feel better. plus, you never who's day you'll make by smiling.

again, if you have any life tips, feel free to comment below!! college is going great and I cannot wait for all that is in store...

Until next time...

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