San Fran Trip

I finally got the chance to go through my photos from my day in San Francisco and was able to pick out some of my favorites! 

San Francisco is a beautiful city! We did a girls' weekend: my mom, grandma, and I for the One Direction concert in Santa Clara and we decided to spend the day in San Fran. It was so much fun! 

We had all been before so we didn't do THAT many touristy things, but we did go to Pier 39, which unfortunately had no sea lions, and then we walked around Fisherman's Wharf and of course had to get some sweets from Ghirardelli Square :-) Highly recommend their dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds, so good!

I really love San Francisco because you can get that NYC vibe but there is just something special about it, could be the people or the looming smell of fish since you're right on the water hehe :-) You can get to all of your destinations by walking and get an added workout because of all the hills! Although we didn't get to walk the Golden Gate Bridge or visit the Full House house, it was still a pretty fun day.

If you haven't had the chance to visit San Francisco, then I highly suggest you do! It is so beautiful and the weather is absolutely amazing!! But before you leave, you HAVE to visit Boudin Bakery! Their sourdough bread is the best! You'll have to get two loaves though, one for home and one for the car ride ;-)

Until next time...

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